Tuesday, January 27, 2009

10 Post Added

Whew, I added 10 new post today!!!!
Thank you God for a SNOW DAY!!

We are expecting A FOOT of snow tonight!!!

I gotta get caught up so I can add SNOW pictures!!

Christmas with the Clarks

Caleb couldn't wait to open his Banshee...( A Truck from CARS) He told Santa that he wanted a Banshee and Santa took it to Ninny and Papaw's house!!!

Ninny gave Madilynn her first Precious Moments. It is very sweet. It says " A Granddaughter bring much Joy. "
My Dad dresses up like Santa.... The kids have him figured out.. well at least Caleb does.. Madlylnn isn't sure yet!!!

More Christmas Morning at our House

Travis read the Christmas Story from a Children's book. Then we opened presents. Caleb got Madilynn at "Tinker -Bow" and Madilynn got Caleb a Train. Caleb loved the Crocodile that we got him. They were so fun this year... Madilynn was quick to tell her Bubba "NO" when he wanted to help her open presents.

Christmas Morning

Caleb and Madilynn in their Matching PJ's

Getting into their Stockings
Caleb LOVED his Thomas The Train set
This should have been the first picture but i couldn't
figure out how to move it..... But this is them coming down the stairs... I can't believe
that "my baby" is WALKING down the stairs like a big girl.... They are just growing up
too fast... Somebody Stop them.....................

Getting Ready for Christmas Morning

Hanging up ornaments and getting everything ready for Christmas morning at our house! We had "Christmas morning" at our house on the 24 so that we could be with our families on the 25th and 26th. It was Wonderful to be at home all day and just enjoy the carefree day.

Putting up the Tree

While Trying to put up the Tree.... The kids played with the Nativity, Dressed up and played in a empty plastic box, and Madilynn wrapped up little Baby Jesus up in a blanket... I never thought that Baby Jesus would make it till next year but He was STILL there when I went to pack it all up! Reminds me of the song " Jesus will still be there, When It looks like you've lost it all Jesus will still be there."


The Clark Christmas.

Hopefully I have a better Picture of Madilynn in her
It's All About Jesus Dress!!!

My Mary and Joseph

This By far is my favorite Post. We were acting out the
Christmas Story. They kids did such a great job and
I was so impressed with what Caleb knew.
Madilynn treated "baby Jesus" so tenderly it was just so sweet.

Springfield 's prade

A Snowman that Caleb Built

Aunt Tammy says that it is a "Tradition" (We've been twice) to go to Springfield's Holiday in the City... Which consist of a Parade with a group of soldiers from the Nutcracker, a Gingerbread Man, a Snowman, and Santa whom Caleb was waving too...Well they did have a pretty good fireworks show...but still . Not sure if we will brave the Crowd and the cold temperatures next year!!! Sorry Aunt Tammy..............

Travis having a good time!

Papaw and Madilynn

Madilynn feeding her baby!!!

Cookies and Stockings

Making Christmas SUGAR cookies!

Of course there had to be a Flour Mess!!!!

Caleb Breaking the egg.

Opening a OPEN NOW box from Aunt Nancy.....

Wow, Beautiful New Handmade stockings with our names on them!!!
They were so pretty.

Preschool Praise

Caleb's Thankful Tree.

I love to take pictures after church. It drives Travis nuts but the kids are so cute and I want to remember all of Madilynn's cute dresses. We used the remote for our camera and the kids did a great job smiling!

This was Caleb's first year in Preschool Praise. The Theme was "Christmas Around the World" He didn't sing a note on stage but can sing "We Three Kings" almost word for word... He is the little boy in the front with the black hat on.....

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I am finished for today!! I have added Disney and Fall pictures.
So I guess I will do Christmas pictures another day!

Tha Narrow Fall Picutres

Caleb and Madilynn
Caleb James 3 Years Old
Madilynn Joy 17 months old

We love to hike at our new favorite place: The Narrows in Beavercreek.
It has a great creek for the summer months.
We had a great time taking family pictures of ourselves!!