Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tha Narrow Fall Picutres

Caleb and Madilynn
Caleb James 3 Years Old
Madilynn Joy 17 months old

We love to hike at our new favorite place: The Narrows in Beavercreek.
It has a great creek for the summer months.
We had a great time taking family pictures of ourselves!!


Anonymous said...

I love the Narrows and it's like a stone's throw from our house. Joanna's and Bethany's favorite part is inside the building where the dead birds are on sticks. Should I be worried?

The Nelsons said...

Wow! How they have grown! We miss you guys!

Ben, Michele, Claire, Anna said...

We always go to the Narrows! It's so much fun!! We'll have to go together sometime!

Adorable pictures of your family!!!

Erika :-) said...

I went to the Narrows a lot as a kid. This is a great reminder for me! I can't wait to take the kids in the spring!

The Masters Kids said...

I plan on being there every day this summer... the kids can play in the water while I sit and read a book!! Hahaha...